Fuel Saving Tips: Save money on gas

Check Your Air Filter
Nearly one in four cars needs an air filter replacement. A clean air filter can improve gas mileage by as much as 10%
Check Your Gas Cap
Believe it or not, its been estimated that nearly 17% of cars on the road have broken or missing gas caps. What's the big deal? Escaping fumes not only hurt fuel economy but release smog-causing compounds into the air. Avoid air pollution and improving fuel mileage is as easy as replacing a bad gas cap.
Slow Down
For every 5 mph you reduce highway speed, you can reduce fuel consumption by 7%
Lay Off the Brakes
Riding with your foot on the brake pedal will not only wear out your brake pads (which will cost you at the maintenance shop) but can also increase gas consumption by as much as 35%
Lighten Up
For every 100 extra pounds carried around, your vehicle loses 1 to 2% in fuel efficiency. Don't drive with too much junk in the trunk.